Skinny Jeans Detox Water Recipe (2024)

Skinny Jeans Detox Water Recipe (1)

Make sure to repin this recipe 🙂

The weather is warming up and I thought it would be fun to make a detox water that would be great to lose weight quickly. The secret ingredient in this detox is Apple Cider Vinegar! If you never heard of it – do not worry it does not cost a lot. It is tart so I do suggest maybe adding a little agave or honey to this drink.

Apple Cider Vinegar helps to cut off cravings of overeating in a natural way. I added cinnamon which helps reduce hunger and speed up metabolism – and apples helps with this as well.

Everything in this drink is meant to speed up that metabolism of yours so you can look good in those skinny jeans.

Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants and flavanoids, including Vitamins C and B Complex.

Did you ever try detox recipe before?

I always get lots of questions about my detox waters hopefully I will answer them below ( let me know in the comment section if I miss something)

I would sip the detox water at least 3 times a day – I always use the same ingredients all three times. I would suggest waiting two weeks to start seeing the results

Using colder water and ice would be best. I always used filter water as well

To give this detox an extra boost I always do a little lemon essential oil ( this helps speed up your metabolism) – I sell Young Living Essential oils and that is what I use.

If you make the Skinny Jeans Detox Water recipe make sure to comment and let us know what you thought 🙂

Love You Guys!

Skinny Jeans Detox Water

: Sara


  • 8 oz of cold water
  • 2 oz of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Pinch of Cinnamon
  • 2 Slice of Green Apple
  • TONS of Ice


  1. Place all the ingredients in a glass
  2. Stir and Enjoy
  3. Drink 3 times a day


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  • kirsten

    I cannot wait to try sounds refreshing 🙂

  • Tammy

    Sounds refreshing! I want to try it, but I’m worried. What does detox mean? Is it going to clean my insides out? If so, is it bad? LOL

  • Sarah

    I am wondering if this is safe to drink while breastfeeding? And also do you eat meals as well as drinking this? Thanks

  • Narlene Plank

    I just made this and it is soooo strong! Is this corrct 2oz. a.c.vinegar to 8 oz. water? Is it safe to drink that much vinegar a day? That is almost a cup! Just want to make sure I am doing it right! Thanks!

    • Alyssa

      This drink really looked amazing and delicious!!!! I was skeptical about adding 2 oz of apple cider vinegar to 8 oz of water once I took a big gulp because I thought it’d be amazing I about spit it out everywhere. I had to go back and look at the pin to make sure it said 2 oz and not 2 tbls. Even after adding honey it still taste like pickle juice in all honesty. Not something I would want to drink 3 times a day. Next time I will add a small amount of apple cider vinegar.

  • Joni

    Your instructions say to “sip” 3 x a day. So are you saying to make only one 8oz drink for the day?

  • Alicia

    I don’t like water!! So trying a new way to enjoy it. Is there any other sugar to use to sweeten. I am a diabetic and agave makes my sugar go up!!

    • Karen Thompson

      I was growing the Stevia plant and all you need is a few leaves to sweeten a drink it’s wonderful! Easy to grow also

  • Danielle

    Omg just saw you’re post about detox H2O
    You mentioned you sell. Young Living products.
    I use to sell them to.
    Did not know it was still a thing. Love it

  • Karen Thompson

    I’m 63 and I really NEED to speed up my metabolism and this sounds good so I’ll give it a shot!

Skinny Jeans Detox Water Recipe (2024)


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